Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Life's Project

I posted awhile back about God having a "Project" for each of us.  We each fall into the daily grind of projects, whether it be all encompassing work, laundry, sweeping the kitchen floor, taxes, insurance, sewing, planting a garden, cleaning out the car, kids' projects, getting kids to and from activities, working on the golf swing or getting the boat ready for the summer, homework, remodeling, etc.  You name it, we've all got little projects.  Something ALWAYS has to get done.  One of my favorite quotes is, "Even the ants are busy.  The question is, what are they busy about?" In the midst of all our little projects, what's really important?  Sometimes we have to slow down, play with our kids, sit with our spouse, laugh with family and friends, have a conversation with someone even though we really don't think we have the time, check on the neighbor that might be having problems, cook dinner for a mom that's about to sink and is barely staying above water, etc. Sometimes we're right where we want to be in life, and sometimes we're very uncomfortable where we are, and certainly not in the place we imagined.  We have to know, though, that no matter what or where, there's a grander plan on a much larger scale than we can ever comprehend. 

I read the following article last night that was written by Baron Batch, a former Texas Tech football player.  He was a standout on the football field and so much fun to watch!  In the larger picture, though, he's using what God has taught him to help others.  He also has a great video from  The article is so inspiring and teaches such an important lesson.  No matter where you are in life or what has happened to you, God has a purpose for you where you are, and will carry out His project through you.  Sometimes we just have to Be Still, know that He is God, and not quit the race designed for us. 

Enjoy this article, and please pass it on:

The Project Queen